Welcome to SO Kyoto Fushimi Inari

Unwind yourself in a room where you can truly relax
Our guest rooms are designed to welcome you with what you truly need to feel at home away from home.
The spacious room have a comfy sofa, bathtub and a wet-room ensuring you can relax and refresh.
The minimal, elegantly-styled furniture and amenities are all from MUJI, and a washing machine with tumble dryer is available in each room so you can travel light.
5 min. walk from Fushimi Inari Shrine
The hotel is only a 5-minute walk away from Fushimi Inari Shrine (also known as “Oinari-san” ’s head quarter) — one of the most popular destinations, both domestically and internationally.
It is also very closely located to Kyoto station, which makes this the perfect base for your trip.

Smart Lock & Self Check-In
From booking to entering the room, everything can be arranged online.
With our smart lock, there is no need to carry around a card or a key- a QR code will unlock your door.
*In an event of accident or if there is any inquiry, our staff members posted in the area can be reached via a phone, email, or an intercom.
On the ground floor you will find a handmade goods shop and a restaurant- find something nice and small to remember the trip by, and enjoy Youshoku (Western-influenced cooking which originated during the Meiji Restoration. ) style lunch and dinner.
Handmade Shop LimaLea
A select store offering a wide range of tasteful handmade goods, from acrylic nails to accessories and small interior items such as tableware.
Whether you are looking for a gift for yourself or a loved one, please stop by to find your favorite items.
Instagram @limlia_n

Restaurant Sourire
A restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Yoshoku cuisine for lunch and dinner. In addition to the standard Omu-rice (omelet on rice) and burgers, the crispy and plump, large Ebi-fry (battered fried prawns) are also popular dishes.
lunch 11:30-15:00 (Lo.14:30)
diner 17:00-22:00 (Lo.21:30)
Closed on Tuesday(Open for lunch only on 1st/3rd Monday)
Pre-booking and takeaway available
Instagram @sourire_47

by Taxi
by Train
10 min. from JR Kyoto sta.
5 min. from JR Inari sta.
3 min. from Keihan line Fushimi Inari sta.
チェックイン・スマートロック操作方法 How to check in and use the smart lockチェックイン・スマートロック操作方法 How to check in and use the smart lock SO Kyoto Fushimi Inariは、無人セルフチェックイン・QRコードスキャンによりお部屋への出入りを自由に行っていただけるスマートロックシステムのホテルです。 ご予約後、ご予約サイトからメールでお送りするチェックインコードをご到着時に右側のチェックイン端末にご入力いただき、チェックイン手続きをご完了いただきますと、端末左側のキーボックスの操作のご案内が表示されますので、キーボックスをご操作の上、QRコードが印字されたカードをお受け取りください。カードに印字されたQRコードを画面にかざしていただきますと解錠いたします。 (QRコードはご宿泊期間中、チェックイン日の15時〜チェックアウト日の朝10時の間のみ有効です。) チェックインコードやチェックイン情報ご登録のご案内メールが届いていない場合は、大変お手数ですが、ご予約サイトにお問い合わせください。 施錠はオートロック式でございますので、お出かけの際は、携帯電話などQRコードを表示できる機器をお部屋にお忘れのないようご注意くださいませ。 At SO Kyoto Fushimi Inari, we ask our guests to self-check in and use a QR code to unlock the guest room's smart lock. After your reservation is confirmed, your travel agency/booking website will send you an email with a check-in code. (If you have not received an email, please kindly check your spam folder, contact your travel agency, or kindly send us an email.) Upon arrival, please kindly complete your check-in registration if it has not been done in advance, using the tablet on top of the stairs of the building's guest room area. Once you have completed the check-in process, the tablet will inform you the code to unlock the key box on the left side. You will then receive a card with the QR code printed on, to unlock the room. To unlock the door, scan the QR code using the smart lock device by the guest room's door. It will then announce that it's unlocked (in Japanese). If you have not received any email regarding the check in code or pre-check in details, please kindly contact your travel agency or the website you have booked your stay. Please note that this is an auto-lock key, so please make sure to always carry the QR code/a device that displays the code with you when you go out. *The QR code will only be valid during your stay, from 15:00 on your check-in date until 10:00 on your check-out date.
お部屋のアメニティについて教えてください。What kind of amenities are available in the room?下記のアメニティをお部屋にご準備しております。 バスタオル・フェイスタオル・歯ブラシ・コーム・ボディタオル シャンプー・コンディショナー・ボディーソープ 室内のドラム式洗濯機ご利用時の洗剤ボール *化粧品類・髭剃り・パジャマのご用意はございません。 恐れ入りますが、必要なお客様はご用意くださいませ。 無料Wi-Fi 施設内ではSOホテルの無料Wi-Fiをご利用いただけます。 パスワードは、ご予約時のお知らせメッセージ、および室内に記載しておりますのでそちらをご利用くださいませ。 The available amenities are: Towels Tooth brush Comb Shampoo/Conditioner/Body soap Detergent for the washing machine (gel capsule) Free Wi-Fi is also available. For the password, please check our message sent to you upon your booking, or refer to a card in the room. The followings are NOT available: Cosmetic products (moisturizer, etc.) Razor Bath robe/Pajama
チェックイン・チェックアウト時間 Check-in/Check-out timeチェックイン:15:00~ チェックアウト:朝10:00 Check-in: 15:00~ Check-out: 10:00 チェックイン方法:無人セルフチェックイン方式(ご予約の際にお送りしましたチェックインコードを、ホテル2階のチェックイン端末にご入力のうえ、チェックインを開始してください。) チェックインコードやチェックイン情報ご登録のご案内メールが届いていない場合は、大変お手数ですが、ご予約サイトにお問い合わせください。 How to check in: Self check in system (Please input the check in code we email you upon your reservation using the check in tablet on the 2F of the hotel.) If you have not received any email regarding the check in code or pre-check in details, please kindly contact your travel agency or the website you have booked your stay.
Wi-Fiはありますか?Is free Wi-Fi available?無料Wi-Fi 施設内ではSOホテルの無料Wi-Fiをご利用いただけます。 パスワードは、ご予約時のお知らせメッセージ、および室内に記載しておりますのでそちらをご利用くださいませ。 Free Wi-Fi is available. For the password, please check our message sent to you upon your booking, or refer to a card in the room.
キャンセルポリシー What's your cancellation policy?到着日の3日前の前日までは、無料でキャンセルいただけます。 到着日の3日前以降にキャンセルの場合は、宿泊料金の100%をご請求させていただきます。 ノーショー(無断不泊)の場合、キャンセル料と同額をご請求いたします。 Free cancellation up to 3 days prior to your arrival. After that, 100% of the fee will be charged including no-show.
荷物は預けられますか? Can I leave my luggage before/after my stay?誠に恐れ入りますが、当施設にはお荷物をお預かりできるスペースがございません。チェックイン前後のお荷物のお預けは、JR稲荷駅、または京阪伏見稲荷駅(両駅とも弊施設より徒歩5分程度)のコインロッカーのご利用をお願いいたします。 Unfortunately, guest rooms are the only place we can store luggage. For storage any earlier than that or after the checkout, we ask our guest to kindly use lockers at JR Inari stations or Keihan Fushimi Inari station.